CSO OnDemand Video:

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Cloud Data Warehouses like Snowflake, Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery are enabling organizations to share data across the entire enterprise. With the convenience, portability, and user collaboration that that these types of cloud platforms provide, it’s no wonder why organizations rely so heavily on them in this new remote environment.  But what are the added risks that come along with all these benefits?

The convenience of storing all your organization’s data on a single platform, you must have complete visibility and control over how data can be accessed and consumed. However, because these types of applications are so easy to spin up, it’s not unusual that security and compliance teams are not even aware they exist.  

Check out this short video to better understand the top challenges in protecting data in the cloud, and uncover best practices for mitigating risk in this new remote world.





use case


CSO OnDemand Video:

Cloud Data Warehouses like Snowflake, Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery are enabling organizations to share data across the entire enterprise. With the convenience, portability, and user collaboration that that these types of cloud platforms provide, it’s no wonder why organizations rely so heavily on them in this new remote environment.  But what are the added risks that come along with all these benefits?

The convenience of storing all your organization’s data on a single platform, you must have complete visibility and control over how data can be accessed and consumed. However, because these types of applications are so easy to spin up, it’s not unusual that security and compliance teams are not even aware they exist.  

Check out this short video to better understand the top challenges in protecting data in the cloud, and uncover best practices for mitigating risk in this new remote world.

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CSO OnDemand Video:

PUBLISHED: Jul 31, 2020

The Rising Tide of Sensitive Data in the Cloud

Doug Wick
VP of Product

Cloud Data Warehouses like Snowflake, Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery are enabling organizations to share data across the entire enterprise. With the convenience, portability, and user collaboration that that these types of cloud platforms provide, it’s no wonder why organizations rely so heavily on them in this new remote environment.  But what are the added risks that come along with all these benefits?

The convenience of storing all your organization’s data on a single platform, you must have complete visibility and control over how data can be accessed and consumed. However, because these types of applications are so easy to spin up, it’s not unusual that security and compliance teams are not even aware they exist.  

Check out this short video to better understand the top challenges in protecting data in the cloud, and uncover best practices for mitigating risk in this new remote world.

Ready to get started?
We’re here to help. Our team can show you how to use ALTR and make recommendations based on your company’s needs.
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