The latest trends and best practices related to data governance, protection, and privacy.

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In the ever-evolving landscape of data security, the debate between Vault and Vaultless tokenization has gained prominence. Both methods aim to protect sensitive information, but they take distinct approaches, each with different sets of advantages and limitations. In this blog, we will dive into the core differences that organizations consider when choosing an approach and how ALTR makes it easier to leverage the enhanced security of Vault Tokenization while still allowing for the scalability you'd typically find with Vaultless Tokenization. This decision ultimately comes down to performance, scalability, security, compliance, and total cost of ownership.  

Tokenization (both Vaulted and Vaultless), at its core, is the process of replacing sensitive data with unique identifiers or tokens. This ensures that even if a token is intercepted, it holds no intrinsic value to the interceptor without the corresponding key, which is stored in a secure vault or system.   

Vaulted Tokenization

Vaulted (or “Vault”) tokenization relies on a centralized repository, known as a vault, to store the original data. The tokenization process involves generating a unique token for each piece of sensitive information, while securely storing the actual data in the vault. Access to the vault is tightly controlled, ensuring only authorized entities can retrieve or decrypt the original data. For maximum security, the token should have no mathematical relationship to the underlying data; thus, preventing brute force algorithmic hacking, as can be possible when purely relying on encryption. Securing data in a vault helps reduce the surface area of systems that need to remain in regulatory compliance (ex. SOC 2, PCI- DSS, HIPAA, etc.), by ensuring the sensitive data located in the source system is fully replaced with non-sensitive values, thus requiring no compliance controls to maintain security.

The primary technical differentiator between Vaulted and Vaultless Tokenization is the centralization of data storage in a secure vault. This centralized storing method guarantees security and simplifies management and control, but may lead to concerns around scalability, and performance.

Vaulted tokenization shines in scenarios where centralized control and compliance are paramount. Industries with stringent regulatory requirements often find comfort in the centralized security model of vaulted tokenization.

Vaultless Tokenization

Vaultless tokenization, on the other hand, distributes the responsibility of tokenization across various endpoints or systems all within the core source data repository. In this approach, the generation and management of tokens occurs locally, eliminating the need for a centralized vault to store the original data. Each endpoint independently tokenizes and detokenizes data without relying on a central authority. While Vaultless Tokenization has a technically secure approach, this solution relies on tokenizing and detokenizing data from within the same source system. Similarly, this solution is less standardized across the industry and may result in vulnerability to compliance requirements around observability and proving that data stored locally is sufficiently protected.

Technical Differences

The decentralized nature of Vaultless tokenization enhances fault tolerance and reduces the risk of a single point of failure from a compromised vault. However, it introduces the challenge of ensuring consistent tokenization across distributed systems and guaranteeing data security and regulatory compliance.

Striking the Balance

While each approach has its merits, the ideal data security solution lies in striking a balance that combines the security of Vaulted Tokenization with the performance and scalability of Vaultless Tokenization. A hybrid model aims to leverage the strengths of both methods, offering robust protection without sacrificing efficiency, performance, industry norms, or compliance regulations.

ALTR’s Vault Tokenization Solution

ALTR’s Vault tokenization solution is a REST API based approach for interacting with our highly secure and performant Vault. As a pure SaaS offering, utilizing ALTR’s tokenization tool requires zero physical installation, and enables users to begin tokenizing or detokenizing their data in minutes. ALTR’s solution leverages the auto-scaling nature of the cloud, enabling on-demand performance that can immediately scale up or down based on usage.  

ALTR’s Vaulted Tokenization enhances the security and performance of sensitive data by being a SaaS delivered tool and having an advanced relationship with Amazon Web Services. Because of ALTR’s interoperability, many constraints of Vaulted Tokenization have been removed by properly building a scalable vault using cloud resources. ALTR can perform millions of tokenization and detokenization operations per minute per client basis without having the need for a Vaultless type of local implementation.  


In conclusion, the relative differences between Vaulted and Vaultless Tokenization underscore the importance of a nuanced approach to data security. The evolving landscape calls for solutions that marry the robust protection of a vault with the agility and scalability of a cloud-native SaaS model. ALTR’s Vault tokenization solution enables this unique offering by combining cloud-native scalability and ease-of setup / maintenance, with a tightly controlled, compliance optimized vault (PCI Level 1 DSS and SOC 2 type 2 certifications). Striking this balance ensures that organizations can navigate the complexities of modern data handling, safeguarding sensitive information without compromising performance or scalability.

In today's digital age, data is the lifeblood of businesses and organizations. Safeguarding its integrity and ensuring it stays in the right hands is paramount. The responsibility for this critical task falls squarely on the shoulders of effective data access control systems, which govern who can access, modify, or delete sensitive information. However, like any security system, access controls can weaken over time, exposing and making your data vulnerable. So, how can you spot the warning signs of a deteriorating data access control process? In this blog, we'll uncover the telltale indicators that your data access control is on shaky ground.

  1. Data Breaches and Leaks

It's undeniable that a data breach or leak is the most glaring and alarming indicator of your data access control's downfall. When unauthorized parties manage to infiltrate your sensitive information, it's akin to waving a red flag and shouting, "Wake up!" The unmistakable sign points to glaring vulnerabilities within your access control systems. These breaches bring dire consequences, including reputational damage, hefty fines, and the substantial erosion of customer trust. With the global average cost of a data breach at a staggering USD 4.45 million, it's most certainly something you want to avoid.

  1. Data Isolated in the Shadows

Do you find yourself with pockets of data hidden in different departments or applications, making it inaccessible to those who genuinely need it? This phenomenon creates data silos that obstruct collaboration and efficiency. Moreover, it complicates access control management, as each data silo may function under its own potentially inconsistent set of rules and protocols.

  1. Unclear Ownership and Accountability

Does anyone within your organization "own" data, ensuring its proper use and security? Vague ownership fosters a culture where everyone feels entitled to access, making it difficult to track user activity, identify responsible parties in case of misuse, and enforce access control policies.

  1. Manual Granting of Access

If access permissions are manually granted and updated, it's a clear sign that your access control system is outdated. Manual processes are time-consuming, error-prone, and hardly scalable. They create bottlenecks that delay legitimate users' access while increasing the risk of inadvertently granting unauthorized access. It's high time to transition to automated access control solutions to keep pace with the evolving demands of data security.

  1. Lack of User Reviews and Audits

According to recent data, IT security decision-makers say 77% of developers have excessive privileges. This concerning statistic underscores the importance of scrutinizing our data access control practices. Are access permissions infrequently reviewed and adjusted to align with evolving roles and responsibilities? Failing to conduct regular reviews results in outdated permissions persisting, needlessly granting access to individuals who no longer require it. Hence, conducting frequent audits becomes imperative, not only for identifying potential vulnerabilities but also for ensuring compliance with stringent regulations.  

  1. Weak Password Practice

Weak password practices, such as using easily guessable passwords, sharing passwords, or infrequently updating them, undermine the very foundation of data security. Data breaches often begin with compromised credentials, underscoring the critical importance of robust password policies and multi-factor authentication.

  1. Frequent Privilege Escalation

If users frequently request elevated access privileges to carry out their tasks, it suggests a deficiency in role-based access control (RBAC). RBAC assigns permissions based on roles and responsibilities, minimizing the need for escalated access and reducing the risk of misuse.

  1. Shadow IT and Unsanctioned Applications

Are employees using unauthorized applications or cloud storage solutions to access and share data? Shadow IT bypasses established security controls, creating blind spots and escalating the risk of data leaks. The implementation of sanctioned alternatives and enforcement of their use is paramount.

  1. Non-Compliance with Regulations

Does your organization handle sensitive data subject to stringent regulations like HIPAA, GDPR, or PCI DSS? Failure to comply with these regulations can result in substantial fines and reputational harm. Aligning your access controls with regulatory requirements is imperative to avoid hefty penalties.

  1. Difficulty Responding to Incidents

Is it challenging to track user activity and pinpoint the source of data breaches or leaks? How long after an incident or breach is your team notified? Without proper logging and auditing, investigating incidents becomes a time-consuming and frustrating endeavor. Effective logging and monitoring are prerequisites for quickly identifying and responding to security threats.

Addressing the Warning Signs

If you recognize any of these red flags within your data access control system, it's time to take decisive action. Here are some steps to strengthen your data access control:

  • Conduct a comprehensive security assessment to identify vulnerabilities and gaps in your existing controls.
  • Opt for an automated access control platform that lets you turn on access controls, apply data masking policies, and set thresholds with just a few clicks.
  • Get auditable query logs to prove privacy controls are working correctly.
  • Use a rate-limiting data access threshold technology to alert, slow or stop data access on out-of-normal requests - in real-time.
  • Enforce strong password policies and multi-factor authentication to make it harder for unauthorized individuals to gain access.
  • Educate users on data security to foster a culture of security awareness to minimize human error.
  • Stay updated on evolving threats and regulations and adapt your access controls to address new risks and compliance requirements.

Wrapping Up

Remember, data access control is an ongoing process, not a one-time fix. By heeding the warning signs and taking proactive measures, you can ensure that your data remains secure, protected from unauthorized access, and in the right hands, safeguarding your organization and its stakeholders.  

In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) wields unprecedented power and influence, the need for comprehensive AI governance has never been more urgent. As AI technologies continue to evolve, they hold immense promise but also harbor significant risks. To harness the potential of AI while safeguarding against its potential pitfalls, organizations must embrace a robust framework for AI governance that goes beyond mere compliance and extends into proactive stewardship. In this blog, we'll delve into the depths of AI governance, exploring its technical intricacies, its role in securing data, and its vital importance in a world increasingly dominated by AI.

The Rise of AI

AI is no longer a futuristic concept but a reality that permeates our daily lives. From autonomous vehicles and virtual assistants to medical diagnosis and financial analysis, AI is revolutionizing industries across the globe. But this transformative power comes with a dark side. The same AI systems that enable groundbreaking discoveries and operational efficiencies also introduce new risk vectors, including privacy breaches, algorithmic bias, and ethical dilemmas.

The Complex AI Ecosystem

Before diving into the nuances of AI governance, it's crucial to understand the complexity of the AI ecosystem. AI systems are comprised of multiple layers, each demanding careful attention:

Data: The lifeblood of AI, data is the raw material from which AI algorithms derive insights. Data governance involves collecting, storing, and protecting data, ensuring its quality, accuracy, and ethical use.

Algorithms: AI algorithms, often called "black boxes," make decisions and predictions based on data. These algorithms can be prone to biases, necessitating careful auditing and transparency.

Infrastructure: The hardware and software infrastructure supporting AI models must be secure and compliant with regulatory standards.

Deployment: AI models must be deployed with a clear understanding of their impact on users and society, mitigating potential risks.

The Need for AI Governance

As AI's influence grows, so do the risks associated with it. Governance is the linchpin that holds together the pillars of AI security, ethics, and compliance. Here's why robust AI governance is imperative:  

Mitigating Bias: AI algorithms can inadvertently reinforce existing biases present in the training data. Governance frameworks, like fairness audits, can help identify and rectify these biases.

Protecting Privacy: AI systems often handle sensitive personal data. Governance ensures compliance with data protection laws and safeguards against unauthorized access.

Ensuring Accountability: AI decision-making can be inscrutable. Governance demands transparency and accountability in AI system behavior, enabling users to understand and challenge decisions.

Ethical Considerations: As AI makes decisions with profound societal impact, governance frameworks help organizations navigate ethical dilemmas, from autonomous vehicles' moral choices to the responsible use of AI in warfare.

AI Governance Best Practices

IAPP found that 60% of organizations with AI deployments have established or are developing AI governance frameworks. While there's no one-size-fits-all approach, some best practices are emerging in the ever-evolving landscape of AI governance:  

Focus on Explainability and Transparency

  • Prioritize XAI techniques: Shed light on how AI algorithms reach their decisions, building trust and enabling human oversight. Tools like feature importance analysis and decision trees can be helpful.
  • Document data provenance: Track the origin and evolution of data used to train and operate AI systems, ensuring its validity and traceability.
  • Communicate effectively: Proactively engage stakeholders with clear and concise explanations about AI usage, its purpose, and potential implications.

Mitigate Bias and Ensure Fairness

  • Conduct data audits: Regularly analyze training data for potential biases related to race, gender, age, or other sensitive attributes. Tools like fairness analysis algorithms can help identify and address disparities.
  • Employ diverse development teams: Incorporate individuals from various backgrounds and perspectives into the design and development process to minimize biases inherent in homogenous teams.
  • Implement counterfactual testing: Simulate scenarios where AI decisions differ based on protected attributes, revealing potential bias and prompting corrective action.

Protect Privacy and Security

  • Adopt privacy-preserving AI techniques: Utilize methods like differential privacy and federated learning to train and operate AI models without compromising individual data privacy.
  • Implement robust data security measures: Employ encryption, access control mechanisms, and regular security audits to safeguard sensitive data used by AI systems.
  • Develop transparent data governance policies: Establish explicit guidelines on data collection, storage, usage, and disposal, fostering responsible data handling practices within the organization.

Promote Accountability and Auditability

  • Define clear lines of responsibility: Establish who is accountable for the development, deployment, and outcomes of AI systems, ensuring individual ownership and facilitating remediation processes.
  • Maintain audit trails: Record critical decisions, data flows, and model performance metrics to enable retrospective analysis and identify potential issues.
  • Implement feedback mechanisms: Establish channels for users and stakeholders to report concerns or raise questions about AI decisions, enabling course correction and continuous improvement.

Continuously Monitor and Manage Risk

  • Conduct regular risk assessments: Proactively identify potential risks associated with AI systems, ranging from technical faults to ethical concerns.
  • Develop mitigation strategies: Implement safeguards and contingency plans to address identified risks, minimize potential harms, and ensure robust system operation.
  • Embrace a "learning by doing" approach: Continuously monitor AI systems in real-world settings, gather feedback, and adapt governance practices based on emerging challenges and opportunities.


  • Collaboration is critical: Engage with diverse stakeholders, including policymakers, researchers, and civil society, to create and refine AI governance frameworks.
  • Flexibility is essential: Be prepared to adapt and iterate on your governance approach as technology advances and societal expectations evolve.
  • Prioritize human oversight: Don't abdicate responsibility to algorithms; humans must remain in the driver's seat, guiding AI towards ethical and beneficial applications.

A Provocative Proposition: Self-Governing AI  

As the AI landscape continues to evolve, one provocative idea is gaining traction: self-governing AI. Imagine AI systems capable of monitoring their behaviour, identifying biases or ethical concerns, and taking corrective action in real time. While this may seem like science fiction, researchers are actively exploring AI mechanisms for self-awareness and self-regulation.

Self-governing AI is a fascinating prospect but also a complex technical challenge. It requires the development of AI algorithms that can introspect, detect deviations from ethical norms, and even modify their decision-making processes when necessary. While this technology is in its infancy, it represents a powerful vision for the future of AI governance.

Wrapping Up

As we journey into the age of AI, we must strive for compliance and aspire to become stewards of responsible AI. The tantalizing prospect of self-governing AI beckons, promising a future where AI systems learn from data and their own ethical compass. Until that day arrives, organizations must commit to robust AI governance to navigate the AI abyss and secure a brighter, more responsible AI-powered future.

The reign of data overlords is ending. Gone are the days when insights were hoarded by tech wizards, and the "regular people" were left in the dark, their decisions guided by gut instinct and wishful thinking. The new frontier? Data democratization: a revolution where everyone, from the marketing intern to the CEO, wields the power of information to forge better decisions faster.

Why embrace this democratic approach? Because, in today's data-driven landscape, companies clinging to centralized data control are like monarchs clinging to crumbling castles – vulnerable, slow, and ultimately destined to be overtaken by nimbler, more decentralized forces.

Here's the truth: we don't need a data scientist in every room. We need data citizens in every room. People who understand the language of data can ask the right questions and can use insights to drive innovation and growth. The beauty of data democracy is that it unleashes the collective intelligence of an entire organization, tapping into the unique perspectives and expertise of individuals who wouldn't otherwise have a voice.

But democratization isn't just about throwing open the data vaults and yelling "free-for-all!" It's about creating a culture where data literacy is encouraged, where people feel empowered to ask questions, and where there's a safety net to catch those venturing into unfamiliar territory. It's about providing the right tools and training, not just access to raw numbers. It's about building trust and transparency, ensuring everyone understands the rules of the data game.

Benefits of Data Democratization

The benefits of this shift are tangible and transformative:

Faster, more agile decision-making

No more waiting for the oracle in the data lab. With everyone empowered to analyze and interpret data, decisions can be made closer to the action, with real-time insights guiding every step.

Unleashing hidden innovation

Data isn't just for bean counters anymore. When everyone becomes a data citizen, new ideas and opportunities blossom from unexpected corners. The marketing team might discover a hidden customer segment, the sales team might uncover a surprising competitor weakness, and the janitor might even suggest a data-driven way to save energy costs.

Boosting employee engagement

When people feel they have a say in data use, they're more invested in the outcome. Data democracy builds trust and ownership, leading to a more engaged and productive workforce.

Let's delve into some real-world examples:

Sales: Imagine a salesperson armed with real-time customer purchase history and sentiment analysis from social media. They can identify high-value leads, personalize their approach, and close deals with laser-like precision. Data becomes their secret weapon, guiding them towards the most promising opportunities.

Marketing: Marketers crave insights into customer behavior and campaign effectiveness. Data democratization grants them access to website traffic patterns, A/B testing results, and social media engagement metrics. This empowers them to craft targeted campaigns, optimize ad spend, and predict future trends with newfound accuracy.

Finance: For finance professionals, data is the lifeblood of responsible decision-making. With real-time access to financial performance metrics, budgeting tools, and risk analysis dashboards, they can confidently make informed investments, optimize resource allocation, and navigate market fluctuations.

Human Resources: HR teams can leverage data to identify top performers, predict employee churn, and tailor training programs to individual needs. Analyzing employee performance data, engagement surveys, and skills assessments can create a more dynamic and productive work environment.

Product Development: Data is the fuel for innovation in product development. By analyzing customer feedback, usage patterns, and competitor analysis, teams can identify unmet needs, refine product features, and prioritize development efforts based on real-world demand.

These are just a few examples, and the possibilities are endless. Data democratization empowers every department to become a data-driven powerhouse, unlocking insights that were once hidden in the shadows.  

The Road to Data Democratization

Tear down the walls

Let the data breathe! Smash the silos that trap information within departments, fostering a web of interconnected sources. Invest in user-friendly platforms that banish jargon and replace it with intuitive dashboards and vibrant visualizations. Data shouldn't be a cryptic language reserved for the tech elite; it should be a vibrant conversation accessible to all.

Ignite curiosity

Don't simply hand people tools; equip them with the knowledge to wield them effectively. Invest in data literacy programs, not just for analysts but for everyone. From understanding basic statistics to interpreting trends, equip your workforce with the skills to ask the right questions and extract meaningful insights.

Empowerment isn't just about access; it's about ownership

Encourage self-service exploration. Let your employees dive into the data, experiment, and discover connections no algorithm could predict. Foster a culture of data-driven decision-making, where insights guide every step, from marketing campaigns to operational optimizations.

But remember, with great power comes great responsibility

Data democratization promises a data-driven utopia, but without a robust set of principles guiding its execution, it can descend into chaos. Here are some essential data governance principles to build a foundation of trust and responsibility in your open data environment:

  • Transparency and Accountability: To enable data democratization, it's crucial to establish clear roles and responsibilities, ensuring that every data user comprehends their rights and responsibilities. Promoting open communication encourages questions and feedback, fostering transparency. Additionally, tracking and auditing data access helps monitor utilization and detect potential misuse or unauthorized access, ensuring accountability.  
  • Data Quality and Consistency: For effective data democratization, organizations should set data quality standards, specifying accuracy, completeness, and timeliness requirements for reliable insights. Regular data cleansing and validation processes are essential to address inconsistencies and errors and preserve data integrity. Encouraging a data-driven culture among users prompts them to question data validity, reducing the risk of biased or inaccurate decisions.
  • Security and Privacy: To maintain security and privacy in a democratized data environment, data should be classified by sensitivity, determining access levels based on confidentiality and potential impact if compromised. Robust security measures, such as format-preserving encryption and data tokenization, protect sensitive data from unauthorized access and malicious attacks. Compliance with data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA is crucial to safeguard individual privacy and prevent misuse of personal data.

Wrapping Up

Data democratization is a journey, not a destination. Monitor your progress, gather feedback, and constantly adapt. Celebrate successes, learn from failures, and encourage open dialogue. Remember, a truly data-driven organization is one where information flows freely, fueling innovation, collaboration, and, ultimately, unstoppable growth.

In today's data-driven world, organizations hold a vast treasure trove of information. But with great power comes great responsibility. Effectively managing, securing, and leveraging this data demands a robust framework: data governance. And just like any successful journey, it requires a map – a set of metrics to guide the way.  

Data governance metrics are vital instruments, providing objective insights into the effectiveness of your program. They illuminate strengths, expose weaknesses, and ultimately steer you towards data-driven decision-making. But with many metrics available, navigating the landscape can feel overwhelming. This blog will equip you with the knowledge and tools to build a clear and valuable data governance metrics framework.  

Why Measure? The Value of Data Governance Metrics

Data governance is not just a box to tick; it's a continuous journey of improvement. Tracking progress through metrics offers tangible benefits:  

1. Demonstrating ROI

To truly showcase the value of your data governance program, it's essential to quantify its impact on the organization's bottom line. One powerful way to do this is linking metrics to tangible business outcomes. For instance, showing a 20% reduction in data-related errors since implementing your data governance measures speaks volumes about the program's effectiveness. Similarly, quantifying a 15% increase in data-driven revenue demonstrates how data governance can directly contribute to the company's financial success. These concrete numbers impress stakeholders and justify the investment in data governance. Using metrics to demonstrate ROI, you can communicate that data governance isn't a cost center, but a strategic asset that delivers measurable returns.

2. Gaining Buy-in

Securing and sustaining executive support for data governance initiatives can be challenging without irrefutable evidence of progress. Metrics play a pivotal role in gaining buy-in from top-level decision-makers. When you can present quantifiable data points that showcase data governance's positive impact, garnering support becomes much more accessible. Executives are more likely to invest time and resources when they see their decisions yield tangible results. Metrics provide a compelling argument and help maintain this support over the long term. The ability to track and report on progress ensures that executives remain engaged and committed to the success of your data governance program.

3. Optimizing Performance

Data governance is an ongoing process, and improving and adapting to changing circumstances is crucial. Metrics are invaluable in this regard because they allow you to identify areas for improvement. For example, suppose you track user adoption rates after implementing a new data access policy and find that they haven't increased as expected. In that case, it's a clear signal that adjustments may be needed. Metrics help pinpoint inefficiencies and roadblocks, enabling you to refine your data governance strategies and policies. By constantly optimizing performance based on data-driven insights, your organization can stay agile and ensure that its data governance efforts remain effective and aligned with evolving business needs.

4. Enhancing Accountability

In a successful data governance program, accountability is critical. Clear and well-defined metrics can assign ownership and responsibility to individuals or teams, ensuring that everyone contributes to data governance success. When people know they are held accountable for specific data-related outcomes, they are more likely to take their responsibilities seriously. Metrics provide a way to measure and track progress, making it evident when goals are met, or actions need to be adjusted. This accountability fosters a culture of responsibility within the organization. It ensures that data governance is not seen as a mere theoretical concept but as a practical and integral part of daily operations. As a result, the entire organization becomes more invested in maintaining data quality and integrity.

Key Data Governance Metrics to Track

Now, let's delve into the specific metrics that can illuminate your data governance path. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach – tailor your selection to your organization's unique goals and challenges. Here are some key categories to consider:

Data Quality

  • Completeness: What percentage of data is missing? Are critical fields empty? Aim for minimal null values for reliable analysis.
  • Accuracy: Does the data represent reality? Compare it to trusted sources to validate its integrity.
  • Timeliness: Is data fresh and up-to-date? Stale data hinders informed decision-making. Track average data age and set freshness targets.
  • Consistency: Do data elements follow defined formats and rules? Inconsistent data leads to confusion and errors. Monitor rule compliance and address inconsistencies.
  • Relevance:  Does the data align with intended business use cases? Ensure data serves its purpose effectively by evaluating its contextual appropriateness.

Data Security and Privacy

  • Breach frequency: Track the number of data breaches and near-misses. A decreasing trend signals improved security posture.
  • Access control effectiveness: Measure unauthorized access attempts. Monitor user access logs and refine access controls based on the principle of least privilege.
  • Data privacy compliance rate: Assess compliance with relevant regulations like GDPR or CCPA. Track the percentage of data requests fulfilled accurately and on time. 

Data Availability and Usability

  • Downtime incidents: Track the frequency and duration of data system outages. Minimize downtime for uninterrupted data access.
  • Data discovery rate: How easily can users find the data they need? Measure search success rates and refine data catalogs and metadata management practices.
  • Data utilization rate: Are users actively leveraging data for analysis and decision-making? Track data usage patterns and identify opportunities to increase adoption.

Data Governance Maturity

  • Policy adoption rate: Measure the percentage of users adhering to data governance policies. High adoption indicates effective communication and training.
  • Data lineage completeness: Track the origin, transformations, and destination of data across your systems. Clear lineage facilitates data trust and troubleshooting.
  • Business unit engagement: Assess the involvement of different business units in data governance initiatives. Broad participation fosters a data-driven culture.

Beyond the Numbers: Building a Holistic Framework

Remember, metrics are tools, not the destination. Effective data governance requires a holistic approach that considers not just the "what" but also the "why" and "how." Contextualize your metrics:

Align with Business Goals

Tie data governance metrics to broader business objectives. How does improved data quality impact customer satisfaction? Does efficient data access drive revenue growth?

Balance Quantitative and Qualitative Measures

Supplement objective data with qualitative insights from user surveys, interviews, and feedback. Understand the human side of data governance.

Communicate Effectively

Share your metrics with stakeholders in a clear, concise, and actionable manner. Visualize data to enhance understanding and drive engagement.

Wrapping Up

Data governance is not a static endeavor, and neither should your metrics. Regularly review and refine your framework to adapt to evolving needs and ensure it remains a relevant and valuable guide on your data journey.

Prioritizing data governance can provide organizations with a significant competitive advantage. However, according to a Gartner survey, more than 90% of data governance projects struggle to achieve their objectives. From lack of support from senior executives to confusion surrounding roles and responsibilities, this underperformance can be attributed to various factors. Consequently, cultivating a data governance-centric company culture is more critical than ever. Such a culture is indispensable for ensuring data accuracy, security, and compliance while unlocking the full potential of data to inform strategic decisions. In this blog, we will delve into the key strategies for establishing a data governance-centric company culture that empowers employees and maximizes the value derived from data.

Ensure Leadership Commitment

Building a data governance-centric culture begins with solid leadership at the helm. Leadership commitment is the cornerstone of shaping an organizational culture that places a premium on data governance. It encompasses leaders at every level, from the CEO to the CDO and CISO, who need to grasp the strategic significance of data and actively champion its governance within the company. This commitment should be evident not only in their words but also in their actions, serving as a guiding principle that permeates throughout the organization.

Leaders should:

  • Clearly articulate the importance of data governance in achieving business goals
  • Allocate resources and budget for data governance initiatives
  • Lead by example by adhering to data governance policies themselves

Define Clear Roles and Responsibilities

In a data governance-centric culture, everyone in the organization should understand their roles and responsibilities related to data management. Define clear job descriptions and expectations. Include roles such as:  

Data Owners: Data owners are accountable for the overall governance and decision-making related to specific datasets or data assets.

Data stewards: Data stewards are individuals responsible for the quality, integrity, and overall management of specific sets of data or data domains.   

Data Custodians: Data custodians are responsible for the technical aspects of data management, including storage, maintenance, and protection. 

These roles should collaborate closely to ensure comprehensive data governance within an organization.

Establish Data Governance Policies and Procedures

Establish clear policies and procedures to ensure consistency and adherence to data governance principles. These should cover data classification, access controls, retention, privacy, and security. Ensure these policies are easily accessible to all employees and regularly updated to reflect evolving regulatory requirements and industry best practices.

Consider Data Utilization

Data governance should complement, not complicate, the daily activities of its members. Access to data is pivotal for informed decision-making and analytical insights. So, when employees encounter obstacles in obtaining the required data, it impedes their ability to perform their roles effectively and undermines the credibility and perceived value of data governance initiatives. To establish a compelling case for data governance, organizations must prioritize data accessibility by refining policies, promoting data democratization, and ensuring that data is readily available for those who need it. This approach enhances data utilization and cultivates a culture where data governance is seen as an essential enabler of data-driven success.

Provide the Best Data Governance Technologies

Equipping teams with cutting-edge tools and technologies empowers them to effectively manage, protect, and extract insights from data. From automated data access control platforms to advanced business intelligence and analytics tools, by staying at the forefront of technology, organizations can streamline data governance processes, enhance data quality, and bolster data security.  

Offer Training and Education

A well-informed workforce is essential for a successful data governance-centric culture. Provide comprehensive training and educational resources to help employees understand the importance of data governance and how it applies to their roles. Offer ongoing training to keep everyone updated on new policies, procedures, and emerging data-related threats.  

Training initiatives can include:

  • Workshops and seminars on data governance best practices
  • Data privacy and security awareness programs
  • Certification programs for data professional
  • Accessible online resources and documentation

Assure Data Quality

Data governance goes beyond policy implementation; it involves continuous monitoring and data quality assurance. According to Gartner, poor data quality costs organizations an average of $12.9 million. However, when employees actively preserve data integrity, their collective efforts contribute to improved data quality. This, in turn, strengthens trust in the data, as stakeholders can depend on established processes and systems to deliver reliable and consistent information. Organizations should establish data quality assurance processes that encompass regular audits, data profiling, and validation checks to achieve this. Additionally, it is essential to encourage employees to report any data quality issues and establish accessible channels to do so seamlessly.

Communicate and Collaborate

Effective communication and collaboration are critical for fostering a data governance-centric culture. Encourage cross-functional teams to work together on data-related initiatives and problem-solving. Use collaboration tools and platforms to facilitate communication and information sharing.

Regularly scheduled meetings and reports can help:

  • Share data governance updates and progress
  • Discuss data-related challenges and solutions
  • Celebrate successes and recognize contributions

Measure and Monitor

To ensure the effectiveness of your data governance efforts, establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure progress. Regularly monitor these metrics and use them to identify areas for improvement. Some essential data governance metrics include data accuracy rates, data quality scores, compliance levels, and the number of data-related incidents.  

Continuously Adapt and Improve

The data landscape is continually evolving. A data governance-centric culture must be adaptable and open to change. Encourage employees to suggest improvements to data governance policies and procedures. Foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Reward and Recognize

Recognize and reward employees who demonstrate a commitment to data governance. Acknowledge their contributions and the positive impact of their efforts on the organization. Rewards can include promotions, bonuses, or other forms of recognition that align with your company's culture and values.

Wrapping Up

In today's data-driven business environment, a data governance-centric company culture is not just a nice-to-have; it's a necessity. Companies prioritizing data governance are better equipped to make informed decisions, protect sensitive information, and gain a competitive edge. Remember that creating and maintaining such a culture is an ongoing process, and adaptability and continuous improvement are vital to staying at the forefront of data management excellence.

As we venture into 2024, data governance is poised to undergo transformative changes. With the rapid advancements in technology, evolving regulations, and the growing need for data-driven decision-making, organizations must stay vigilant and adaptive in their data governance practices to ensure the security, privacy, and quality of their data assets.

In this article, we'll explore the top data governance trends and predictions for 2024, providing valuable insights to help you confidently navigate the evolving data governance landscape.

Data Democratization

Data control has historically been limited to a select few within organizations, leaving most users without access. A new era of data democratization is on the horizon, poised to reshape how organizations operate. The goal is to empower every user within an organization with the tools and information needed to leverage data effectively. Decision-makers across all levels, from executives to frontline employees, will gain the capability to analyze data, extract insights, and make informed decisions. This transformation will not only revolutionize organizational dynamics but also significantly impact data governance.

Data governance must ensure responsible data usage, protect sensitive information, and maintain data quality. Organizations will need to implement robust governance protocols, including access controls, data classification, and tokenization or format-preserving encryption, to strike a balance between accessibility and security. Proper training and education programs will also be essential to promote responsible data practices among employees.  

Shift Left Data Governance

In 2024, Shift Left™ Data Governance will seize the spotlight, ushering in a transformative era in data security practices. This paradigm shift revolves around a proactive approach to securing sensitive data. It begins its protection journey right from the moment data departs the source system and continues throughout its voyage to the cloud or data warehouse.

To embrace 'Shift Left Data Governance,' organizations will leverage cutting-edge technologies such as ALTR, empowering them to extend data governance measures upstream into data pipelines, ETL/ELT processes, and data catalogs. Data governance policies encompassing data classification, access controls, encryption, and anonymization will seamlessly intertwine with these early-stage processes. As a result, data becomes subject to governance and protection from the very inception of its journey, effectively addressing security vulnerabilities that may exist before data reaches its intended destination.

The Shift Left™ approach will evolve into an indispensable capability for modern data enterprises, significantly reducing the risks associated with unauthorized access, data breaches, and privacy infringements. Simultaneously, it fortifies data security throughout the entire data journey, ensuring comprehensive safeguarding.

AI Governance

As organizations increasingly embrace AI, effective AI governance becomes paramount in sustaining success and managing risks. In 2024, AI governance will revolve around foundational principles encompassing regulatory compliance, ethics, transparency, and privacy.  

A central tenet of AI governance will focus on the reliability of data. In the era of AI-driven transformation, trustworthy data is the cornerstone of successful AI, facilitating innovation while adhering to ethical and regulatory standards. Organizations will prioritize data quality to mitigate risks related to biased decision-making, inaccuracies, and security, privacy, and legal compliance concerns.

Integrating AI governance into existing processes will be both challenging and essential. This integration will comprehensively evaluate current data management and governance practices, policy development and refinement, workflow alignment, technology integration, and risk management. Organizations may establish AI governance steering committees or working groups to oversee this process, ensuring comprehensive coverage and creating a culture of curiosity and learning to foster broader organizational engagement.

Automated Data Governance

In 2024, the rise of automation in data governance and security is poised to become a dominant trend within the dynamic realm of data management. Although some data systems and platforms offer inherent features for data governance and access control, harnessing these capabilities often demands substantial SQL scripting and extensive involvement from DBAs or data engineers for implementation and upkeep. Alternatively, certain platforms necessitate a separate layer of data governance and security, leading to cumbersome processes. Consequently, orchestrating intricate data governance rules and policies can consume weeks, if not months, before new data sets and workloads become accessible to users. As companies intensify their utilization of data resources, this challenge compounds, with the only effective remedy being automation.

Key capabilities such as data classification, role-based access controls, data masking, rate limiting, real-time alerting, and tokenization are now readily available and scalable through user-friendly, point-and-click interfaces or direct API integration. These automation tools have the transformative power to significantly truncate the time required for new data and workloads to be provisioned for users. By eliminating weeks, and often months, from this process, companies will substantially expedite their time-to-value, providing a decisive edge in the rapidly evolving data landscape.  

Wrapping Up

In 2024, data governance is not just a strategy; it's a strategic imperative. It's the driving force behind secure data access, compliance with stringent regulations, and the ability to derive actionable insights from the vast sea of data. The seamless integration of data governance into an organization's DNA fosters a culture of data-driven decision-making, empowers users at all levels, and positions them to navigate the complexities of a data-centric world.

With more and more businesses opting to derive valuable insights from their data on the Snowflake Data Cloud, safely managing sensitive data has emerged as a top priority for data driven organizations. ALTR has worked closely with Snowflake since our partnership began in 2020, building and continuing to foster our SaaS-based, cloud-native integration. ALTR's SaaS solution has been recognized as a Snowflake Premier Technology Partner with a Snowflake Financial Services Competency badge. ALTR’s primary focus is on delivering best-in-class data access governance and integrated data security over data in Snowflake, designed to make customers more successful on Snowflake, more quickly.  

ALTR takes Snowflake’s powerful native data governance capabilities and automates them at scale to deliver real-time data access monitoring and analytics, point-and-click policy-based access controls, and advanced data protection. These features are all delivered as pure SaaS with no code required to implement, scale, and maintain. By automating Snowflake’s native capabilities with ALTR, customers maximize the value of their Snowflake investment, enhance their data governance maturity, and solidify their data security posture.  

ALTR + the Snowflake Horizon Partner Ecosystem

ALTR is proud to be a part of the Snowflake Horizon Partner Ecosystem, Snowflake’s built-in governance solution with a unified set of compliance, security, privacy, interoperability, and access capabilities. ALTR’s partnership with Snowflake will help further extend the Snowflake Data Cloud across customers’ data stacks. ALTR continuously integrates the latest features and capabilities offered by Snowflake into our SaaS solution, enabling joint customers to take advantage of Snowflake's native capabilities easily and efficiently, with immediate time to value.

How ALTR Helps Customers Safeguard Data within Snowflake Horizon  

Data Classification

With ALTR and Snowflake, data users can automatically classify their data and receive classification results in minutes. Snowflake clients can select from multiple methods for data classification: Snowflake Native, any third-party classification engine, or a productized GDLP plug-in integrated in ALTR. Together, customers can automate the discovery and classification process without writing any code, allowing businesses to derive business critical insights from their data in a matter of minutes. Using ALTR’s Shift Left data governance capabilities, data classification can be moved upstream in to ETL/ELT pipelines to classify and tag data before it lands in Snowflake.  

Real-time Observability over Sensitive Data Access

With ALTR, customers can achieve real-time observability over how users access sensitive data in Snowflake, regardless of access point. ALTR logs all data access into an easy-to-consume query log, which can be published in real-time to a client owned S3 bucket, enabling any SIEM tool to ingest real-time data access telemetry for analysis and visualization. These access logs are visualized directly in ALTR’s product in heatmap format. This feature helps data users analyze and report on data access, ensure that governance policies are being correctly enforced, and pinpoint areas where new policies can be implemented. ALTR records the metadata over each query for governed data, along with user, time, and the number of values returned, providing visibility to understand normal patterns, and easily spot abnormalities that could indicate risk. With every query recorded, compliance audits become simplified and streamlined, giving customers complete and real-time transparency to all attempted access requests of their sensitive data.  

Dynamic Data Masking & Automated Access Controls  

ALTR greatly simplifies the implementation and maintenance of complex and granular data masking policies to safeguard confidential information in Snowflake. Using ALTR’s point and click UI, customers can effortlessly view the data and roles to which their policies apply, easily create new policies and modify existing ones, all without requiring any SQL coding. Further, all policy orchestration and management can be fully automated, at scale, using ALTR’s Management API. Data Masking with ALTR and Snowflake helps organizations meet regulatory requirements, such as GDPR, HIPPA, and PCI DSS by protecting sensitive data and ensuring privacy. Snowflake clients rapidly realize the enormous value of ALTR’s policy automation capabilities through eliminating the reliance on data engineering resources to manage access control changes. ALTR democratizes access policy management to non-technical users, frees up Data Engineering to focus on higher value tasks, and enables access control changes in minutes versus days or weeks.

Advanced Data Protection – Purpose Built for Snowflake

With ALTR, customers gain access to a wide range of techniques for obfuscating and anonymizing data, such as Format Preserving Encryption and External Tokenization, giving data users the freedom to choose an advanced data protection model that best fits their business needs.  

ALTR combines advanced data protection with policy to ensure no sensitive data can be accessed outside of approved policy. ALTR sits in the critical path of data and creates a compliance-ready, audit rich query log of all requests for data subject to ALTR’s advanced data protection. Any data that is subject to compliance regulations like HIPAA, GDPR, PCI, or any forthcoming privacy rules, is protected within ALTR’s SaaS based product. Further, ALTR’s query audits perfect the chain of custody over sensitive data and reflect any time protected values are de-tokenized or decrypted.  

ALTR Delivers Real-Time Alerting & Notifications

ALTR’s unique, pure SaaS solution offers a distinctive set of features that ensure the security of data in Snowflake, such as data tokenization, format preserving encryption, user access controls, and real-time alerting. Only ALTR can ensure that your sensitive data is accessible only to the appropriate people, at the appropriate time, and in the appropriate amounts. ALTR’s patent-issued Data Rate Limiting means that out of policy requests for data can be blocked in real-time and single users can be quarantined without impacting other users with the same role. Data Owners and InfoSec Teams can trust that notifications will be delivered immediately through their preferred communication channel, like Slack, Teams, or email, anytime anyone attempts to access sensitive data without authorization. Only ALTR offers active security for your most sensitive data assets in Snowflake that can stop credentialed access threats before they can happen.  

Get Started for Free Today

With ALTR’s native integrations in Snowflake Data Cloud, we’re proud to be a part of the Snowflake Horizon Partner Ecosystem and are thrilled to continue our extensive partnership with Snowflake. ALTR's free integration in Snowflake Partner Connect allows data users to drastically reduce manual tasks to deliver more data value, more quickly.

In our hyper-connected, data-rich landscape, safeguarding and prudent data management have emerged as paramount concerns for organizations of all sizes. The digital age has ushered in an era where data is a strategic asset and a potential liability. Enter data access control, a robust sentinel in the realm of data governance, and a standing guard to ensure that the gates of sensitive information are opened only to those with the proper credentials.

What is Data Access Control

Data access control is a multifaceted security mechanism designed to manage and regulate access to data resources within an organization. It encompasses a set of policies, procedures, and technologies that ensure data is only accessible to authorized individuals or systems while preventing unauthorized access or manipulation. Access control defines who can access specific data, what actions they can perform (such as viewing, editing, or deleting), and under what circumstances. This fine-grained control helps organizations maintain data confidentiality, integrity, and availability while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. It is a critical component of data governance, protecting sensitive information from breaches, unauthorized disclosures, or alterations.

Types of Data Access Control

Access controls encompass various mechanisms and strategies to regulate and manage access to data and resources. Here are some of the primary types of access controls:  

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

RBAC assigns permissions based on predefined roles within an organization. Users are assigned to specific roles, each associated with a set of permissions. This approach simplifies access management, as administrators can grant or revoke permissions at the role level rather than for individual users.

>>> You Might Also Like: Determining the Right Role-based Access Controls

Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC)

ABAC is a dynamic access control model that takes into account various attributes, such as user attributes (e.g., department, job title), resource attributes (e.g., data classification, sensitivity), and environmental attributes (e.g., time of day, location). Access decisions are based on complex rules considering these attributes, providing fine-grained and context-aware access control.

Mandatory Access Control (MAC)

MAC enforces access controls based on security labels and user and data classifications. This model is commonly used in highly secure environments, such as government or military sectors, to ensure strict data confidentiality. Users have limited control over access, and security administrators typically make access decisions.

Discretionary Access Control (DAC)

DAC allows data owners to determine access permissions for their resources. In this model, data owners have discretion over who can access, modify, or delete their data. While it offers flexibility, DAC can lead to inconsistent access management and potential security risks if not carefully administered.

Rule-Based Access Control (RUBAC)

RUBAC enforces access controls based on predefined rules or policies. These rules can incorporate various conditions and factors, such as user attributes, resource characteristics, or contextual information. Access is granted or denied based on whether the conditions defined in the rules are met.

The Significance of Automation in Data Access Control

Automation is a linchpin in the modern data access control landscape, revolutionizing how organizations manage and safeguard their data. It leverages scripts, policies, and specialized tools to streamline the intricate management of data access permissions and processes.  

Reducing Human Error

Imagine a large financial institution managing thousands of employees' access rights across multiple systems and databases. In a manual access control scenario, the likelihood of human error, such as accidentally granting excessive privileges or failing to revoke access promptly upon an employee's departure, is significant. However, with automated data access control, permissions are consistently and accurately applied. For instance, when employees change roles, this automated platform can promptly adjust their access privileges, minimizing the chances of data breaches and compliance violations.

Enhancing Efficiency

Picture an e-commerce giant during a holiday season sales rush, where millions of customers are accessing its online platform simultaneously. Manually updating access permissions for each user or resource to accommodate this surge would be an insurmountable task. Yet, automated data access control comes to the rescue. The organization efficiently scales its operations by automating the provision of temporary access privileges based on predefined criteria (e.g., high website traffic). This not only saves precious time but also empowers security teams to focus on strategic initiatives, such as identifying emerging threats or refining access policies.

Consistency and Standardization

In a sprawling multinational corporation, data access control sprawls across multiple departments, each managing its resources and user permissions. Maintaining consistency and standardization in access control policies would be a Herculean task without automation. Consider an employee who moves between departments or regions. Automation ensures that access policies are predefined and uniformly applied across the organization. When this employee transitions, automated processes swiftly and accurately adjust their access rights, minimizing confusion and ensuring data security across the board.

Rapid Response to Changes

Access requirements can change at a moment's notice in the fast-paced realm of cybersecurity. Consider an e-commerce retailer responding to a sudden surge in cyberattacks targeting customer data. Automation shines as a dynamic responder to such threats. It enables organizations to adapt swiftly to changing access needs by provisioning or revoking access in real time based on predefined criteria. For instance, in response to a detected breach, an automated system can instantly suspend access privileges, isolating the affected data and averting further security incidents.

Auditing and Compliance

In an environment governed by strict regulatory frameworks, the importance of auditability cannot be overstated. A healthcare provider, for instance, must meticulously track and report who accessed patient records and when. Maintaining comprehensive audit logs would be manual and error-prone without automation. Automation systematically generates detailed audit logs and reports, serving as an invaluable regulatory compliance and security monitoring resource. Organizations can swiftly respond to compliance queries, detect suspicious activities, and conduct thorough incident investigations by tracking who accessed what data and when.

Wrapping Up

Data access control is a fundamental component of data governance, ensuring that data remains secure, compliant, and accessible only to authorized users. By understanding the types of data access control, implementing best practices, and leveraging tools like ALTR for advanced automated data access control, organizations can safeguard their data assets and maintain the trust of their customers and stakeholders in today's data-driven world.

In the last two years, we have witnessed a remarkable transformation in how companies approach data protection. The era of privacy breaches and data mishandling scandals has compelled a profound change in mindset, putting Privacy by Design at the forefront of our digital landscape. This evolving approach not only aligns businesses with the shifting legal landscape but also fosters consumer trust and reduces risks, ushering in a new era of responsible data management. Indeed, the recognition that data protection is here to stay is dawning upon everyone - from corporations and legislators to conscientious consumers.

The Evolution of Privacy by Design

Privacy by Design, as a concept, isn't new. Dr. Ann Cavoukian, Ontario's former Information and Privacy Commissioner, coined the term in the 1990s. It emphasizes integrating data protection principles into the fabric of technology and business processes from the outset. However, this approach has gained unprecedented traction and importance in recent years.

The catalyst for this change is evident. High-profile data breaches, such as the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal and countless others, have eroded trust in corporations and exposed the vulnerabilities in our data-driven society. As a result, governments worldwide have responded to stringent data protection regulations, such as the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

Companies can no longer afford to view data protection as a mere compliance issue. Instead, it must become a fundamental aspect of their corporate DNA. Privacy by Design does precisely that by infusing privacy principles into every facet of an organization.

The Cost-Efficiency of Privacy by Design

One might argue that integrating privacy into the design process adds an extra layer of complexity and cost to business operations. However, the opposite is true. Privacy by Design is not a cost but an investment.

By proactively building privacy measures into products and services, companies can reduce the potential for costly data breaches and regulatory fines. Under GDPR, for instance, non-compliance can result in fines of up to €20 million or 4% of global annual revenue - a substantial sum far exceeding the cost of implementing strong data protection practices.

Moreover, adopting Privacy by Design from the start eliminates the need for costly retroactive adjustments to comply with new data protection laws. It streamlines the adaptation process and ensures that data privacy is an inherent part of the corporate culture, reducing the risk of legal entanglements.

Building Trust and Fostering Consumer Confidence

In today's digital age, consumer trust is a currency as valuable as any other. Privacy breaches have eroded this trust, leaving consumers skeptical about how their personal data is handled. Companies prioritizing Privacy by Design send a clear message to their customers: "Your privacy matters to us."

This message resonates with consumers, who are increasingly cautious about sharing their data. Organizations that respect privacy build stronger, more lasting customer relationships. They become the preferred choice in a market flooded with options, demonstrating their commitment to safeguarding sensitive information.

Automated Data Governance: A Catalyst for Privacy by Design

In Privacy by Design, automated data governance is a powerful tool to fortify and streamline privacy practices across organizations. As data volumes continue to soar and the complexity of data ecosystems intensifies, manual data management and compliance become increasingly impractical. Automated data governance not only eases the burden but also ensures a proactive and comprehensive approach to privacy.

1. Data Classification and Protection

Automated data governance systems employ advanced algorithms to classify data based on sensitivity and relevance. This categorization ensures that sensitive information, such as personal identifiable information (PII), is treated with the utmost care and is subject to stricter access controls. Organizations can implement granular data protection measures by automatically classifying data and preserving privacy at every data processing stage.  

2. Access Control and User Permissions

Privacy by Design demands robust access controls and user permissions to limit data access only to authorized personnel. Automated data governance solutions can enforce role-based access controls, ensuring that individuals can only access data necessary for their job functions. Additionally, they can automate the revocation of access rights when employees change roles or leave the organization, reducing the risk of unauthorized data access.

3. Tokenization

Automated data governance that leverages tokenization is a formidable ally in Privacy by Design, allowing organizations to safeguard sensitive data while maintaining its utility. By replacing sensitive information with unique tokens, tokenization minimizes data exposure and reduces the risk of data breaches. It simplifies compliance with data protection regulations, ensuring that personal information remains secure and private. This technique also fosters secure data sharing and analytics, enabling organizations to extract insights while preserving individual privacy. With its scalability, flexibility, and rapid response capabilities in the face of data breaches, tokenization is a pivotal tool for organizations committed to weaving privacy into the fabric of their data processes and systems.

4. Data Retention and Deletion Policies

Another critical component of Privacy by Design is the establishment of data retention and deletion policies. Automated data governance systems can track data lifecycle events, such as when data was created, accessed, and modified, to enforce data retention policies consistently. When data reaches the end of its useful life, automated processes can facilitate its secure and irreversible deletion, aligning with privacy principles of data minimization.

5. Data Impact Assessments

Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) are essential in evaluating the potential privacy risks associated with data processing activities. Automated data governance solutions can streamline the PIA process by providing a structured framework to identify, assess, and mitigate privacy risks. This automation ensures that privacy considerations are integrated into the design of new projects, products, or services.

6. Incident Response and Reporting

In the event of a data breach or privacy incident, time is of the essence. Automated data governance systems can expedite incident detection and response by triggering alerts and notifications when suspicious activities occur. Moreover, they facilitate the generation of comprehensive incident reports, which are invaluable for compliance reporting and communication with regulatory authorities.

Wrapping Up

Privacy by Design has emerged as the cornerstone of a responsible digital future, reducing costs, building trust, and mitigating risks. Automated data governance acts as a force multiplier, reducing compliance's administrative burden and enhancing the effectiveness and consistency of privacy practices within organizations. By seamlessly integrating automated data governance into the design and management of data, companies can achieve the delicate balance of innovation and privacy protection, fostering trust with consumers and regulators alike.

ALTR’s final product release of 2023 is now live and helps data and security teams increase data utility and decrease data complexity by:

  • Offering Detokenization on Snowflake for policy to be applied automatically on data.  
  • Increase data operability earlier in the data lifecycle, while remaining secure.
  • Shifting data governance and data security left so data is protected in motion and at rest.

In order to ensure the protection of sensitive, highly regulated data, in motion and at rest, it is no longer enough to create security policies after data lands in Snowflake. Data tokenization must occur as early as possible in the data lifecycle, available only through ALTR’s SaaS based data security solution, so that the data lands in Snowflake already in a protected state.  

Data tokenization can provide unique data security benefits across your entire data pipeline. ALTR’s SaaS-based approach to data tokenization-as-a-service means data can be tokenized at any stage of the data lifecycle. Tokenization is an incredibly powerful tool to have included in your arsenal, and we are thrilled to be announcing the extension of this offering.

ALTR Detokenization

We are proud to announce the launch of Detokenization on Snowflake. ALTR’s detokenization, when combined with Snowflake governance policy, is a powerful and highly innovative solution designed specifically to help Security teams and Data teams ensure data privacy and security as early as possible in the data lifecycle all the way through to data consumption.  

Detokenization allows for data that exists in Snowflake to remain operational while policy can be applied automatically, furthering the ability to shift data governance and data security operations left in the data pipeline.  

A diagram of data flowDescription automatically generated

What is Detokenization on Snowflake?

Detokenization is the process of converting tokenized data back into its original, unmasked, form. Detokenization, combined with Snowflake’s governance policy, is a critical step in ensuring data privacy and security, especially when dealing with PHI and PII data. Detokenization combined with the automation of active policy allows for data to land in Snowflake with policy attached, meaning that the sensitive data is protected at rest, in motion, and as soon as it lands in Snowflake.  

Why Detokenization?  

Data Teams and InfoSec Teams alike often struggle with safeguarding the data entrusted to them in a way that is scalable and flexible to their business needs. Security teams need to restrict improper access to data as much as possible, while data teams need immediate analysis of data upon inception. Both teams need to ensure sensitive data remains safe while still being able to derive analytical and operational value from the data.  

Value Add: Operational and Automated Data

ALTR’s detokenization offering operationalizes sensitive data, ensuring active policy remains attached, and automating the detokenization of that sensitive data only when necessary. Detokenization can be automated through policy, so that unmasked data is only available to the correct users at the correct time – freeing up the time of hands-on-keyboard team members and guaranteeing policy compliance. This also ensures that service accounts entering Snowflake can operate on policy-based data without gaining access to sensitive data that should remain obfuscated.

Wrapping Up

ALTR is thrilled to be the first data governance and data security solution to offer detokenization on Snowflake, and we are excited about the potential of this product offering to help Data Teams and InfoSec Teams alike derive the most value from their sensitive data at scale.

See It In Action: Automated Data Governance, Real Time Security  

Let us show you:  

  • How we integrate with industry-leading data platforms and databases like Snowflake, Matillion and Tableau to protect your sensitive data “to the left” of your cloud data warehouse
  • How you can protect data with your ETL throughout your cloud data migration
  • How easy it is to automate data governance and security at scale across your enterprise

In the world of data governance, companies often feel trapped between two seemingly stark choices: the expensive, high-end solutions that can start at a staggering $100,000 or more or the DIY approach that promises cost savings but often ends in frustration and failure. The allure of going the do-it-yourself route is undeniable, but what many fail to realize is that it comes with its own set of hidden costs and challenges that can cripple even the most well-intentioned efforts. The good news is that DIY is not the only cost-effective option available. Hidden beneath this dilemma lies a powerful alternative - self-service data governance. This blog delves into the reasons why DIY data governance frequently falls short of expectations, leaving organizations in a state of confusion and vulnerability. Moreover, it highlights the transformative potential of low-code/no-code self-service data governance solutions.

The Temptation of DIY

The decision to pursue DIY data governance often stems from a desire to avoid the hefty price tags and long implementation times associated with enterprise-level solutions. Companies believe they can cut costs by employing in-house programmers to write custom code and allocating existing resources to manage data governance. At first glance, it seems like a cost-effective solution, but this path is fraught with pitfalls.

1. The Cost of Expertise

One of the most significant hidden costs of DIY data governance is the expense of hiring and retaining experienced data engineers. Customizing data governance solutions requires skilled professionals who understand the intricacies of data management, security, and compliance. These experts demand competitive salaries and can be challenging to find and retain.

2. Time-Consuming Commitments

DIY data governance projects often monopolize valuable time and resources that could be better allocated to core data-related tasks. Teams become bogged down with the intricacies of developing and maintaining custom solutions, diverting attention from strategic data initiatives.

3. Scaling Challenges

As organizations grow and accumulate more data and users, the limitations of DIY solutions become painfully apparent. Custom-built systems struggle to scale efficiently, leading to bottlenecks, performance issues, and a growing sense of frustration.

4. Governance Changes and Enforcement

Enforcing and changing data governance policies becomes increasingly complex when dealing with a DIY approach. Who is responsible for setting and editing policies? How can changes be made without disrupting the entire system? What initially appears as a straightforward change to a data governance policy can spiral into a protracted development, testing, and promotion process. These issues lead to policy enforcement gaps and an added layer of complexity that can grind data governance to a halt.

5. Forgoing Critical Decision Making

Another common pitfall is the rush to migrate data to the cloud without considering critical decisions such as security standards. Neglecting issues like adhering to NIST standards or establishing a clear permissions hierarchy can lead to security breaches and compliance violations down the line.

6. The Spectrum of Gray in Data Governance

Data governance isn't a one-size-fits-all concept, and this lack of clarity contributes to the failure of many DIY initiatives. The absence of a unified strategy can lead to confusion within organizations, with individuals not understanding the boundaries of their roles or how different teams will consume data. The result is a fragmented approach that hinders effective data governance.

Unlock the Power of Self-Service Data Governance

At the crossroads where DIY data governance meets the realm of costly enterprise solutions, a game-changing alternative emerges: self-service data governance. Within this paradigm, two formidable allies take center stage to address the challenges that DIY data governance presents—automation and low-code/no-code software. Together, these dynamic features provide transformative benefits, fundamentally reshaping how organizations approach data access and data security and alleviate the intricacies that frequently hinder DIY initiatives.

Automation takes center stage, revolutionizing the scalability of data governance. It empowers organizations to effortlessly navigate the intricate landscape of data access management, regardless of their size. As data pools expand and user demands grow, automation becomes a resource-efficient solution, preventing accidental data breaches and ensuring regulatory compliance. It supplants the labour-intensive processes associated with DIY, providing a systematic, agile approach that adapts seamlessly as an organization's data requirements evolve.

Low-code/no-code solutions further augment the arsenal against DIY challenges. These interfaces simplify the implementation of data governance by eliminating the need for extensive custom coding. No one needs to know SQL, Apache Ranger or YAML.

Low-code/no-code software expedites the automation of data security, enabling organizations to effortlessly apply granular access policies to multiple users simultaneously. This approach accelerates the deployment of governance measures and makes them accessible to a broader range of users, reducing the reliance on specialized technical expertise.

Wrapping Up

While DIY data governance may seem like an appealing alternative to costly enterprise solutions, it often leads organizations down a treacherous path filled with hidden expenses, scalability issues, and governance challenges. Luckily, self-service data governance solutions like ALTR offer a transformative path for organizations seeking to transcend the limitations and pitfalls of the DIY approach. With the ability to reduce time-value from 6 months to 60 minutes, ALTR provides an efficient and cost-effective means to streamline data governance processes, enhance data security, and maximize the value of data assets. And the best part, organizations can get started for free. Embracing tools like ALTR heralds a future where data governance becomes agile, accessible, and highly effective, ensuring that organizations thrive in an increasingly data-driven landscape.

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