ALTR Brief: Snowflake Cybersecurity Investigation

ALTR Data Security Platform

Protect sensitive data and control access at scale.

Data Security Platform

Database Activity Monitoring

Easily monitor data access and detect abnormal queries using our analytics and query audit logs. Enable alerts to allow security teams to quickly investigate any suspicious activity.

Data Security Platform - Database Activity Monitoring
Data Security Platform - Data Masking

Dynamic Data Masking

Protect data through classification and dynamic data masking before it enters your cloud data warehouse. Seamlessly integrate masking with your data catalog or ETL/ELT pipeline.

Sensitive Data Protection

Secure highly sensitive data like PHI, PCI, and PII data from privileged access with advanced data protection and automated access policies.

Data Security Platform - Sensitive Data Protection

Integrate with Data Catalogs

ALTR's Data Security Platform seamlessly integrates with data catalogs. Define and enforce security and policy in our platform while leveraging your existing tools.


One powerful platform for your

compliance team
infosec team
data team

Dynamic Data Masking

Scale data access policy across your entire organization with our cloud-native policy engine. Get near real-time policy updates and query audit logs without impacting performance.

Database Activity Monitoring

Spot potentially high-risk abnormalities and get detailed visibility into data usage with our auditing and alerting capabilities.

Data Classification

Identify and classify PHI, PII, and PCI data with ease. Receive results in minutes with our detailed classification report.


From on-premise to the cloud, ensure the protection of your most sensitive data with our vaulted tokenization solution.

Open Source Integrations

We seamlessly integrate with leading data tools such as ETL, catalog, and other technologies for a simple, streamlined experience.

Format Preserving Encryption

Encrypt and decrypt your sensitive data while keeping the original format consistent. We run all operations inside Snowflake so your data can be protected without being stored externally.


Simplified data security and data access governance

Increase Efficiency

Data teams get real-time access to sensitive data without risk while security teams gain full visibility over sensitive data. All data functions are fully aligned.

Reduce Complexity

Non-technical users can implement policy and simplify ownership so data can remain streamlined and automated.

Manage Risk

Protection for at rest, in motion, and in use data. Remove the risk of access threats by extending governance and security upstream and to the left.


“Through their native cloud integration, ALTR’s visibility into Snowflake Data Cloud activity is providing a solution for customers who need to defend against security threats.”

Omer Singer

Head of Cybersecurity Strategy, Snowflake


Start Securing Your Data in Minutes with ALTR