For years (even decades) sensitive information has lived in transactional and analytical databases in the data center. Firewalls, VPNs, Database Activity Monitors, Encryption solutions, Access Control solutions, Privileged Access Management and Data Loss Prevention tools were all purchased and assembled to sit in front of, and around, the databases housing this sensitive information.

Even with all of the above solutions in place, CISO’s and security teams were still a nervous wreck. The goal of delivering data to the business was met, but that does not mean the teams were happy with their solutions. But we got by.
The advent of Big Data and now Generative AI are causing businesses to come to terms with the limitations of these on-prem analytical data stores. It’s hard to scale these systems when the compute and storage are tightly coupled. Sharing data with trusted parties outside the walls of the data center securely is clunky at best, downright dangerous in most cases. And forget running your own GenAI models in your datacenter unless you can outbid Larry, Sam, Satya, and Elon at the Nvidia store. These limits have brought on the era of cloud data platforms. These cloud platforms address the business needs and operational challenges, but they also present whole new security and compliance challenges.
ALTR’s platform has been purpose-built to recreate and enhance these protections required to use Teradata for Snowflake. Our cutting-edge SaaS architecture is revolutionizing data migrations from Teradata to Snowflake, making it seamless for organizations of all sizes, across industries, to unlock the full potential of their data.

What spurred this blog is that a company reached out to ALTR to help them with data security on Snowflake. Cool! A member of the Data & Analytics team who tried our product and found love at first sight. The features were exactly what was needed to control access to sensitive data. Our Format-Preserving Encryption sets the standard for securing data at rest, offering unmatched protection with pricing that’s accessible for businesses of any size. Win-win, which is the way it should be.
Our team collaborated closely with this person on use cases, identifying time and cost savings, and mapping out a plan to prove the solution’s value to their organization. Typically, we engage with the CISO at this stage, and those conversations are highly successful. However, this was not the case this time. The CISO did not want to meet with our team and practically stalled our progress.
The CISO’s point of view was that ALTR’s security solution could be completely disabled, removed, and would not be helpful in the case of a compromised ACCOUNTADMIN account in Snowflake. I agree with the CISO, all of those things are possible. Here is what I wanted to say to the CISO if they had given me the chance to meet with them!
The ACCOUNTADMIN role has a very simple definition, yet powerful and long-reaching implications of its use:

One of the main points I would have liked to make to the CISO is that as a user of Snowflake, their responsibility to secure that ACCOUNTADMIN role is squarely in their court. By now I’m sure you have all seen the news and responses to the Snowflake compromised accounts that happened earlier this year. It is proven that unsecured accounts by Snowflake customers caused the data theft. There have been dozens of articles and recommendations on how to secure your accounts with Snowflake and even a mandate of minimum authentication standards going forward for Snowflake accounts. You can read more information here, around securing the ACCOUNTADMIN role in Snowflake.
I felt the CISO was missing the point of the ALTR solution, and I wanted the chance to explain my perspective.
ALTR is not meant to secure the ACCOUNTADMIN account in Snowflake. That’s not where the real risk lies when using Snowflake (and yes, I know—“tell that to Ticketmaster.” Well, I did. Check out my write-up on how ALTR could have mitigated or even reduced the data theft, even with compromised accounts). The risk to data in Snowflake comes from all the OTHER accounts that are created and given access to data.
The ACCOUNTADMIN role is limited to one or two people in an organization. These are trusted folks who are smart and don’t want to get in trouble (99% of the time). On the other hand, you will have potentially thousands of non-ACCOUNTADMIN users accessing data, sharing data, screensharing dashboards, re-using passwords, etc. This is the purpose of ALTR’s Data Security Platform, to help you get a handle on part of the problem which is so large it can cause companies to abandon the benefits of Snowflake entirely.
There are three major issues outside of the ACCOUNTADMIN role that companies have to address when using Snowflake:
1. You must understand where your sensitive is inside of Snowflake. Data changes rapidly. You must keep up.
2. You must be able to prove to the business that you have a least privileged access mechanism. Data is accessed only when there is a valid business purpose.
3. You must be able to protect data at rest and in motion within Snowflake. This means cell level encryption using a BYOK approach, near-real-time data activity monitoring, and data theft prevention in the form of DLP.
The three issues mentioned above are incredibly difficult for 95% of businesses to solve, largely due to the sheer scale and complexity of these challenges. Terabytes of data and growing daily, more users with more applications, trusted third parties who want to collaborate with your data. All of this leads to an unmanageable set of internal processes that slow down the business and provide risk.
ALTR’s easy-to-use solution allows Virgin Pulse Data, Reporting, and Analytics teams to automatically apply data masking to thousands of tagged columns across multiple Snowflake databases. We’re able to store PII/PHI data securely and privately with a complete audit trail. Our internal users gain insight from this masked data and change lives for good.
– Andrew Bartley, Director of Data Governance
I believed the CISO at this company was either too focused on the ACCOUNTADMIN problem to understand their other risks, or felt he had control over the other non-admin accounts. In either case I would have liked to learn more!
There was a reason someone from the Data & Analytics team sought out a product like ALTR. Data teams are afraid of screwing up. People are scared to store and use sensitive data in Snowflake. That is what ALTR solves for, not the task of ACCOUNTADMIN security. I wanted to be able to walk the CISO through the risks and how others have solved for them using ALTR.
The tools that Snowflake provides to secure and lock down the ACCOUNTADMIN role are robust and simple to use. Ensure network policies are in place. Ensure MFA is enabled. Ensure you have logging of ACCOUNTADMIN activity to watch all access.
I wish I could have been on the conversation with the CISO to ask a simple question, “If I show you how to control the ACCOUNTADMIN role on your own, would that change your tone on your teams use of ALTR?” I don’t know the answer they would have given, but I know the answer most CISO’s would give.
Nothing will ever be 100% secure and I am by no means saying ALTR can protect your Snowflake data 100% by using our platform. Data security is all about reducing risk. Control the things you can, monitor closely and respond to the things you cannot control. That is what ALTR provides day in and day out to our customers. You can control your ACCOUNTADMIN on your own. Let us control and monitor the things you cannot do on your own.