Thinking About Data Governance Without Data Security? Think Again!

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Thinking About Data Governance Without Data Security? Think Again!

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The heightened regulatory environment kicked off with GDPR and CCPA in 2018, the unrelenting PII data breaches, and the acceleration of data centralization across enterprises into the cloud have created enormous new risks for companies. This has skyrocketed the importance of “data governance” and transformed what was once a wonky business process into a hot topic and an even hotter technology category. But some software companies are self-servingly narrowing the definition in a way that leaves customers’ sensitive data exposed.

Data Governance is more than discovery and classification

There are a few different definitions of the concept floating around. The Data Governance Institute defines it as “a system of decision rights and accountabilities for information-related processes, executed according to agreed-upon models which describe who can take what actions with what information, and when, under what circumstances, using what methods.” The Data Management Association (DAMA) International defines it as “planning, oversight, and control over management of data and the use of data and data-related sources.”

Both are pretty broad and very focused on process. Technologies can help at various stages though, and we’re seeing software companies make their claims as “data governance” solutions. But unfortunately, too many are narrowly focused on the initial steps of the data governance process—data discovery and classification—and act as if that’s enough. It’s not even close to being enough.  

A data card catalog tells you about the data but doesn’t govern it  

Data discovery and classification are critical first steps of the data governance process. You must know where sensitive data is and what it is before you can be prepared to govern or secure it. Creating a “card catalog” for data that puts all the metadata about that data at a user’s fingertips, like many solutions do, is extremely useful. But if you’ve ever used a card catalog you know that the card tells you about the book, but it’s not the book itself. For valuable books, you may have to take the card to the librarian to retrieve the book for you. Or if the book is part of a rare books collection, it may even be locked away in a vault. The card catalog itself is a read-only reference that does nothing to make sure the most valuable books are protected.

It doesn’t stop the librarian from accessing sensitive data themselves or using their credentials to get into the locked rare books room. And if the librarian loses their credentials or has them stolen, there’s no way to stop a thief from taking off with irreplaceable texts.

It’s similar with data governance tools. Knowing where the data is and providing information around it are necessary pre-conditions, but they’re not governance.  

You’ve classified your data; now shouldn’t you control and protect it?

Software solutions that say they provide “data governance” but don’t go further than data discovery and classification leave their customers asking, “What next?” It’s a little like this video. Shouldn’t a vendor help you with a full solution instead of just identifying the problem? Recently some have taken one next step into access controls and masking, but the way they’ve implemented this may cause additional pain for users. If the solution requires data to be cloned and copied into a proprietary database in order to be protected, it leaves the original data exposed. Or if users have to write SQL code access controls, it puts a burden on DBAs. These are not full solutions.

For complete data governance, policy enforcement needs to be automated, require no code to implement, and focus on the original data (not a copy) to ensure only the people who should have access do. Companies then need visibility into who is consuming the data, when, and how much, in a visualization tool that makes it easy to see both baseline activity and out-of-the-norm spikes. Finally, in order to truly protect data, companies need a solution that takes the next crucial step into real data security that limits the potential damage of credentialed access threats. This means consumption limits and thresholds where abnormal utilization triggers an alert and access can be halted in real-time, and the power to limit data theft by tokenizing the most critical and valuable data.

Complete data governance includes control and security

All of these steps—data intelligence, discovery, classification, access and consumption control, tokenization—are necessary to proper data governance. To faithfully live up to the responsibility created by collecting and storing sensitive data, companies need a solution like ALTR’s complete Data Governance to keep sensitive data safe.





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Thinking About Data Governance Without Data Security? Think Again!

The heightened regulatory environment kicked off with GDPR and CCPA in 2018, the unrelenting PII data breaches, and the acceleration of data centralization across enterprises into the cloud have created enormous new risks for companies. This has skyrocketed the importance of “data governance” and transformed what was once a wonky business process into a hot topic and an even hotter technology category. But some software companies are self-servingly narrowing the definition in a way that leaves customers’ sensitive data exposed.

Data Governance is more than discovery and classification

There are a few different definitions of the concept floating around. The Data Governance Institute defines it as “a system of decision rights and accountabilities for information-related processes, executed according to agreed-upon models which describe who can take what actions with what information, and when, under what circumstances, using what methods.” The Data Management Association (DAMA) International defines it as “planning, oversight, and control over management of data and the use of data and data-related sources.”

Both are pretty broad and very focused on process. Technologies can help at various stages though, and we’re seeing software companies make their claims as “data governance” solutions. But unfortunately, too many are narrowly focused on the initial steps of the data governance process—data discovery and classification—and act as if that’s enough. It’s not even close to being enough.  

A data card catalog tells you about the data but doesn’t govern it  

Data discovery and classification are critical first steps of the data governance process. You must know where sensitive data is and what it is before you can be prepared to govern or secure it. Creating a “card catalog” for data that puts all the metadata about that data at a user’s fingertips, like many solutions do, is extremely useful. But if you’ve ever used a card catalog you know that the card tells you about the book, but it’s not the book itself. For valuable books, you may have to take the card to the librarian to retrieve the book for you. Or if the book is part of a rare books collection, it may even be locked away in a vault. The card catalog itself is a read-only reference that does nothing to make sure the most valuable books are protected.

It doesn’t stop the librarian from accessing sensitive data themselves or using their credentials to get into the locked rare books room. And if the librarian loses their credentials or has them stolen, there’s no way to stop a thief from taking off with irreplaceable texts.

It’s similar with data governance tools. Knowing where the data is and providing information around it are necessary pre-conditions, but they’re not governance.  

You’ve classified your data; now shouldn’t you control and protect it?

Software solutions that say they provide “data governance” but don’t go further than data discovery and classification leave their customers asking, “What next?” It’s a little like this video. Shouldn’t a vendor help you with a full solution instead of just identifying the problem? Recently some have taken one next step into access controls and masking, but the way they’ve implemented this may cause additional pain for users. If the solution requires data to be cloned and copied into a proprietary database in order to be protected, it leaves the original data exposed. Or if users have to write SQL code access controls, it puts a burden on DBAs. These are not full solutions.

For complete data governance, policy enforcement needs to be automated, require no code to implement, and focus on the original data (not a copy) to ensure only the people who should have access do. Companies then need visibility into who is consuming the data, when, and how much, in a visualization tool that makes it easy to see both baseline activity and out-of-the-norm spikes. Finally, in order to truly protect data, companies need a solution that takes the next crucial step into real data security that limits the potential damage of credentialed access threats. This means consumption limits and thresholds where abnormal utilization triggers an alert and access can be halted in real-time, and the power to limit data theft by tokenizing the most critical and valuable data.

Complete data governance includes control and security

All of these steps—data intelligence, discovery, classification, access and consumption control, tokenization—are necessary to proper data governance. To faithfully live up to the responsibility created by collecting and storing sensitive data, companies need a solution like ALTR’s complete Data Governance to keep sensitive data safe.

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Thinking About Data Governance Without Data Security? Think Again!

PUBLISHED: Jul 08, 2021

Traditional data governance without security puts your company and your data at risk

Dave Sikora

The heightened regulatory environment kicked off with GDPR and CCPA in 2018, the unrelenting PII data breaches, and the acceleration of data centralization across enterprises into the cloud have created enormous new risks for companies. This has skyrocketed the importance of “data governance” and transformed what was once a wonky business process into a hot topic and an even hotter technology category. But some software companies are self-servingly narrowing the definition in a way that leaves customers’ sensitive data exposed.

Data Governance is more than discovery and classification

There are a few different definitions of the concept floating around. The Data Governance Institute defines it as “a system of decision rights and accountabilities for information-related processes, executed according to agreed-upon models which describe who can take what actions with what information, and when, under what circumstances, using what methods.” The Data Management Association (DAMA) International defines it as “planning, oversight, and control over management of data and the use of data and data-related sources.”

Both are pretty broad and very focused on process. Technologies can help at various stages though, and we’re seeing software companies make their claims as “data governance” solutions. But unfortunately, too many are narrowly focused on the initial steps of the data governance process—data discovery and classification—and act as if that’s enough. It’s not even close to being enough.  

A data card catalog tells you about the data but doesn’t govern it  

Data discovery and classification are critical first steps of the data governance process. You must know where sensitive data is and what it is before you can be prepared to govern or secure it. Creating a “card catalog” for data that puts all the metadata about that data at a user’s fingertips, like many solutions do, is extremely useful. But if you’ve ever used a card catalog you know that the card tells you about the book, but it’s not the book itself. For valuable books, you may have to take the card to the librarian to retrieve the book for you. Or if the book is part of a rare books collection, it may even be locked away in a vault. The card catalog itself is a read-only reference that does nothing to make sure the most valuable books are protected.

It doesn’t stop the librarian from accessing sensitive data themselves or using their credentials to get into the locked rare books room. And if the librarian loses their credentials or has them stolen, there’s no way to stop a thief from taking off with irreplaceable texts.

It’s similar with data governance tools. Knowing where the data is and providing information around it are necessary pre-conditions, but they’re not governance.  

You’ve classified your data; now shouldn’t you control and protect it?

Software solutions that say they provide “data governance” but don’t go further than data discovery and classification leave their customers asking, “What next?” It’s a little like this video. Shouldn’t a vendor help you with a full solution instead of just identifying the problem? Recently some have taken one next step into access controls and masking, but the way they’ve implemented this may cause additional pain for users. If the solution requires data to be cloned and copied into a proprietary database in order to be protected, it leaves the original data exposed. Or if users have to write SQL code access controls, it puts a burden on DBAs. These are not full solutions.

For complete data governance, policy enforcement needs to be automated, require no code to implement, and focus on the original data (not a copy) to ensure only the people who should have access do. Companies then need visibility into who is consuming the data, when, and how much, in a visualization tool that makes it easy to see both baseline activity and out-of-the-norm spikes. Finally, in order to truly protect data, companies need a solution that takes the next crucial step into real data security that limits the potential damage of credentialed access threats. This means consumption limits and thresholds where abnormal utilization triggers an alert and access can be halted in real-time, and the power to limit data theft by tokenizing the most critical and valuable data.

Complete data governance includes control and security

All of these steps—data intelligence, discovery, classification, access and consumption control, tokenization—are necessary to proper data governance. To faithfully live up to the responsibility created by collecting and storing sensitive data, companies need a solution like ALTR’s complete Data Governance to keep sensitive data safe.

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